Porcelain – a curse and a blessing
It was around 16 BC, in the middle of the Shang Dynasty (which spanned 17–11 BC) that porcelain first began to appear in China. Initially this wonder-material was a great boon; its inherent properties, such as low permeability and elasticity, strength, hardness, toughness, translucency and resonance, and its high resistance to chemical attack and thermal shock, ingrained it into Chinese art and architecture, as well as into everyday life. Porcelain was used as an effective food and liquid-storage, and in many ways immensely helped the advancement of the Chinese empire until the post-medieval era.
Porcelain-making in ancient China
However, the early discovery of porcelain prevented the development of glass, which was not brought into frequent use until the 19th century, significantly later than in Europe. Non-reactive and non-porous glass was vital for progress into hard chemistry and all sciences tied to it. Glass grinding led to lenses, and subsequently microscopes and telescopes, which brought about a new understanding of the world. It was also vital for spectacles, which significantly extended the working-life of intellectuals by as much as 15-20 years, allowing them to read and work when presbyopia or other sight-conditions set in. It can be argued (although perhaps slightly teleologically) that porcelain – an early and useful discovery – held back the scientific development of China and became a barrier to its further advancement.
Magic vs. Technology
The “Porcelain Argument” can, on a larger scale, be used as a way of understanding the impact of magic on the technological and scientific progression of a fictional society. The very existence of magic, and the ability of some individuals to manipulate it (either by innate talent or hard work) allows for the accomplishment of both astonishing things, and of other-wise arduous, mundane tasks, in a quick and simple way. Thus, as in the case of porcelain in China, magic can be a fix-all tool which may inhibit the development of other technologies and scientific progression in a fantasy world setting.
It stands to reason that, as long as magic is readily available in one form or another, the need for technological advancement to perform the same function becomes effectively redundant. If “Necessity is the mother of Invention”, then conversely a lack of need produces a lack of development. Of course, ‘available’ is a variable term – magic may be available to those only with considerable money, or it may not be for sale at all. Thus the magic-technology balance might vary in different social echelons and within different societies.
One example of the effect of magic on technology can be found in the realms of communication, particularly long-distance communication. Trade, espionage and warfare all rely on effective communication, and failure to deliver an important message could alter the tide of war, bankrupt a merchant enterprise or lead to a major political incident. But what if a message could travel instantaneously across hundreds, if not thousands, of miles with a fairly simple spell, or even through a magical device (which would effectively remove the immediate need for a spell-caster)? For critical decisions such as these any price, even a very high one, would be worth it in order to prevent disaster. This would significantly alter military tactics, trade strategies, and any other aspect of a nation relying on instant communication. Concepts of distance would change, people might travel and trade further afield. Conversely, monarchs from distant lands would be able to communicate almost face-to-face, without travelling, which would hugely affect the scope of international relations. Magical protections might be necessary to protect against magical espionage or listening devices.
If magical communication was readily available to the public, would there be any reason for the advancement of technologies allowing long-distance communication, such as carrier-pigeons and pyre-relays (and later, the invention of telegraph, telephones, and internet-based communications) or even the development of shorter-distance communication methods such as semaphore, morse code, heliographs, or drum and whistling codes? Such technologies would require extended research and frequently expensive infrastructure, not to mention the fact that they may not even be invented if magic is always assumed to be the ultimate solution for communication. Would people even bother writing letters to one another? Amongst the wealthy it might be considered obsolete, or even miserly.

by Rebecca Saray; see more at her blog
As has been indicated above, there may be various reasons why people may not have access to magic in an otherwise magic-rich fantasy setting. Some regions or nations may have a less-developed knowledge and understanding of magic, it may not have been discovered at all, or perhaps magic may not even function or exist in their area (dead magic areas). In multi-species worlds, some species may not be as attuned as others and, in those societies, technology would probably have developed more rapidly, fuelled by a desire to keep up with other nations or species. Magic could also be considered unholy or criminal in some (or all) regions, and that would significantly affect its use in mainstream society.
Magic could also add a whole new level to the arms and industry race. Depending on how magic is used, the philosophies of its users and its offensive capabilities, nations without access to magic (within an otherwise magic-rich world) with might be considered weak, and would probably be quickly invaded or annexed. Certainly developments leading to, for example, the radar or the nuclear bomb would not occur, but it is even more important to consider the simpler things such as agriculture, manufacturing, energy and propulsion. These are the aspects which would lead to a rich and prosperous kingdom with surplus resources, allowing them to become wealthy and powerful. Surplus food allows cities, trade and a large standing military – all the characteristics of a formidable nation. Even if they did not take magic into the battlefield, it would be inextricably entwined with their success.
Not all is as it seems
We have discussed some of the effects of magic on a grand scale, considering nations, wars and mercantile enterprises. But what effect would magic have on, for example, the every day peasant? Superficially, a typical medieval fantasy village resembles a historical, medieval village. However, the differences would be significant; spell casting and magical items would change the medieval world in many fascinating ways.
“I have heard of your paintings well enough. God hath
given you one face and you make yourself another.”W. Shakespeare, Hamlet (III.i.142-3)
What about a simple healing spell, instead of painstakingly learning the different uses of plants and herbs? Child mortality and death from illness would be drastically decreased, and population density would be significantly increased. The ability to magically sustain and ensure the healthiness and growth of crops and livestock would significantly increase crop and food yields, leading to a healthier, wealthier peasant class with more free time for leisure or education. Light during the night (which would also impede the development of electricity, or even the refining of candles and oil lamps) would affect the length of the working day in winter, and could have some impact on education as well. The ability to magically copy tomes would have a similar impact to the printing press – books would change from exclusive, expensive, bespoke items to more widely available, commonplace commodities.
More examples abound – just consider the impact of mending spells, ‘turn rock to mud’, ‘magic hands’ and levitation on heavy labour such as construction work, mining and prospecting. Individually, all these look like small differences, but their accumulation would significantly change the life experiences of a medieval world at a very fundamental level. Even if only one magic-user lived in the village, his/her presence would still have a significant impact on daily life.
Of course, technology would still be present for many reasons. A good example would be that those in power wish to control and suppress their subjects (as is historically the case) and thus might limit the access they have to magic. In such cases, although the economy and work life of peasants might be assisted by some magic, technology would still play a significant role to their domestic lives.
Magic Users and their Social Perception
It is interesting to consider the social role of a magic user. Magic users of different strengths may find different niches within society – a low-level hedge-wizard may set up a practice in a village or small town, whereas a magic-user capable of more significant spells might be employed by a court, or might even endeavour to create a nation of his own. From a storytelling perspective, magic makes a beautiful “rags to riches” hook since frequently the ability to use magic is a matter of innate talent. Magic might also be passed down through blood lines, which might lead to whole families being ostracised or celebrated. The more common magic is, the more that it is likely to be present in a small way in many people and thus the more likely it will be to have an impact on everyday life. Conversely, in rare magic worlds, magic and its users are more likely to be taboo, revered and/or feared. In such cases, technology and the sciences would certainly be more likely to advance, and some might even be wary of those disciplines if they bear a too-striking resemblance to the powers of magic users.
In conclusion
In magic-rich fantasy worlds, magic and technology compete for the same niche, and the existence of one can impede the progress of the other. Nevertheless, they do co-exist to a certain extent, often due to a lack of knowledge or resources. The existence and the ability to manipulate magic would significantly alter the “historical” timeline of a world. It would also likely extend the duration of a medieval-style era, since magic would prevent a ‘renaissance’ of the sciences leading to a higher technological level. Magic is also a resource; whether used in a peaceful way to expand growth and industry, or employed offensively, it can change the balance between those with access to it and those without.
Today we recognise that science and technology have drastically altered our strategies and our perceptions throughout history. By considering how these might or might not have progressed alongside magic, or how they may have varied in a world with unequal magic, we can have a fuller understanding of magic’s integration and impact on a fantasy realm.
What do you think the impact of magic would have been? Can you think of any examples? We would love to hear from you, so leave a comment below!
Ancient Chinese Inventions and Discoveries that Shaped the World http://blog.world-mysteries.com/science/ancient-chinese-inventions-and-discoveries-that-shaped-the-world/, retrieved 25 February 2015
Lu, Jonathan. “REASSESSING THE NEEDHAM QUESTION: WHAT FORCES IMPEDED THE DEVELOPMENT OF MODERN SCIENCE IN CHINA AFTER THE 15TH CENTURY?.” CONCORD REVIEW (2011): 209. https://www.emmawillard.org/sites/emmawillard.org/files/ConcordReview-Summer2011.pdf#page=1
Why are you convinced that technology and magic have to compete? The problem is not one of technological or magical tools but the approach one takes to thinking about them. Can you apply the scientific method to magic? If your answer is yes, then you will eventually build a technomagical society, as people develop and refine new magics and build technology based on this. If the answer is no then what you consider to be technology will still have to be more fully developed because it will be impossible to produce new magics or even to really train people in their use.
Science is a method of building a model of the universe and how it works. It doesn’t matter if magic exists or not. It can still be incorporated into our understanding of the universe. The laws of physics in a magical universe would be weird (since I suspect thye would almost certainly be non-conservative), but they would still exist. They may not be discovered yet, but they are probably there.
Baking a cake is a good approximation for a lot of RPG magic. You follow the recipe and if you haved done everything properly you get a cake. Of course, in most magic systems this is much more akin to Frasier’s Law of Sympathy. It is your repeated actions in exactly the same manner that produce a cake. But what if you vary the recipe slightly? You might get a total failure, but you also might get a useful variation of your cake. Eventually you develop a system of rules that tell you how to bake cakes and which will give you an idea of what the ingredients are useful for. Not that this is distinct from understanding the actual physics of baking a cake, which is quite a bit more complicated, concerning the repolymerisation of the flour starch and the changing colloidal structure of the egg proteins, and sundry other things. [My favourite physics paper of all time ends with “and now all that remains is to eat the expriment.”] You’ll get many people arguing that you can’t vary the recipe of a cake – particularly because that’s the way they were trained to bake cakes and their masters brooked no deviation (after all the odds of a ham-fisted apprentice being able to bake cake aren’t that good in the first place, and worsen if he or she doesn’t do what their master insists). I do it this way because my father did it this way and his father before him is a common complaint. But when you replace the rule of thumb with the rule of inch, you start improving your knowledge of the world.
A bigger problem is the same in both a magical world and a technical world – that people want to keep secrets that advantage them. If someone invents chocolate cake they definitely want to keep it a military and/or commercial secret. [Interestingly the development of European is full of secret national research projects trying to break the secrets of producing better glass (and developing better glass). I’d suggest that the rate of European technological advancement in this period was greater because of the increased balkanization and competition of Europe, whereas the various Chinas had quite rightly already repeatedly encountered the social upheavals where technological advancement was concerned and so tended to put the breaks on it during peacetime.] This is especially true of most RPG magic-users who will be desperate to keep their spells secret and not share their hard won knowldge with the competition.
Of course you could argue that magic is alien and unknowable (since we don’t have any examples to reality test [a big problem with fantasy RPGs – especially in combat where people will argue that “anyone can do that” because they can (but not very well in most cases) but then arguethat “it’s magic” and give magic a pass.]
Personally I tend to see magical development start out with the shamanic phase (people discover minor tricks and collect them), the religious phase (the magic is codified by the educated “priestly” caste with very little experimentation) followed by the philosophy phase (wizards start trying towork out the natural laws governing magic, usually with excessive disapproval from the aforementioned priestly caste). My old game was in the rennaisance of magic as people were discovering what it was all about (and upsetting the social order as a result). And it was fun working out how things actually worked.
[Incidentally magic definitely increased technology in my old game. Metallurgy was much more advanced, for example. After all the focus of alchemy was always the metals (albeit philosophical rather than vulgar).]
Magic probably won’t replace technology. For one thing in most games it requires a certain innate talent. Which will probably intensify the caste system inherent to most societies (I use caste specifically rather than class because I’ve yet to meet a society that didn’t have a caste system in place). But is there any difference between a priest blessing the fields and a farmer applying fertiliser if the blessing works. [In fact magic and “technology” may be mixed – if the farmer believes burying fish in the maize field improves the crop because the fish spirits bring the water or life to the crop rather than the replacing the nitrates the maize leaches fromt the soil, it doesn’t matter if one is belief and the other fact.]
The presupposition is that premodern societies did not have magic. But it is extremely clear from the record they left that to their mind the world they lived in was filled with magic. And it was wholly distrusted. With the exception of some magic performed by trusted clergy (transubstantiation being a lingering example) all magic was seen as the product of sinister deals with dark forces. So, for example, if someone could actually achieve continual light, convincing a superstitious world to adopt it rather than burn the caster would be no small task.
The other thing about magic as described in some settings (ie, D&D) is that it can be a lot better than technology. Take for example clay/iron golems. These are essentially examples of uniform matter moving by itself right? Does it have to be humanoid? How about a golem wheel, or golem gear? Boom, engines everywhere! But wait… these things don’t require fuel. Stick a magnet on the other end you have, a Free Energy device.
Consider for example the “everful mug” item.That’s essentially a low end cornucopia machine for drinks, and it apparently creates matter out of nothing. Not only the implications of such spells can lead to post-scarcity civilizations, they can lead to ones who never even have to worry about the head death of the universe.
If matter can be made from nothing than the reverse must be true as well; that anything can be unraveled beyond the molecular scale. Even magic and magically created matter [or matter created from scientific devices] can be completely disintegrated.
Indeed. But if anything, this is more helpful that anything. A species confined to a planet, or for that matter, a universe expanding slower than the energy generation would face overheating pretty soon (now that’s a weird problem to have. Overnegentropy!). So if anything, destructive magic would ensure that there is always a flow from the higher towards a lowest state, within which life can exist.
Good for air-conditioning too.
The Lord Darcy series by Randall Garrett postulate a world where magic and science develop side by side, magic taking the place of some technologies but not others. And just a good read in any case.
Thank you for this guys – It is a very good point
We were just reading about your kickstarter – really beautiful project. Please let us know if we can help.
Thank you. I am very pleased with the support that it received. Feel free to contact me if you would like to support it, we can work something out.