What were medieval houses and structures built from?
In this article we go through the list of building materials used during the medieval times from the lowly cottage to the grand cathedrals of the time, from straw to glass
In this article we go through the list of building materials used during the medieval times from the lowly cottage to the grand cathedrals of the time, from straw to glass
As with buildings today, in the medieval times different buildings are serve different functions. Each of those functions in many ways define the architecture of the building, the materials used, the maintenance required and of course the time that it takes for them to be built.
Dukes, Marquises and counts, all under one king but all of them above everyone else. The one percent ruling the masses, celebrated or feared by all. Aspiring to the highest and inspiring millions. In this third installment we discuss their place in the social strata of the medieval times.
Part two of a series of articles focusing on the social stratification of a feudal medieval kingdom. In this part we explore the middle class of the feudal kingdoms. Freemen living in the cities earning their keep by the merit of their skill and cunning. Artisans and Merchants that glue the society and become the beacons of change and progress
Part one of a series of articles focusing on the social stratification of a feudal medieval kingdom. In this part we explore the lower part of the social pyramid and introduce some of the main concepts that explain the social mobility within a kingdom.
One of the hardest and possibly, most important questions to ask yourself when starting to create a fantasy world is “What is the level of technology currently available throughout the world?”, and the truth of the matter is that this will be always highly dependent on you. For the purposes of this project we had to define a range that we will be referring to as a resource.
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